Dissemination of PMTB Disaggregation, Podes Data Collection, and SUTAS Year 2018 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Konawe Selatan Regency

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Dissemination of PMTB Disaggregation, Podes Data Collection, and SUTAS Year 2018

Dissemination of PMTB Disaggregation, Podes Data Collection, and SUTAS Year 2018

April 23, 2018 | BPS Activities

On Monday April 23, 2018, BPS of South Konawe District held a Socialization Survey Formulation of Gross Fixed Capital Formation Disaggregation (PMTB), Village Potential Data Collection (Podes), and Intercensal Agriculture Survey (SUTAS) Year 2018 at Same Hotel Kendari. Socialization begins with a report Chairman of the Committee of Activities, Wa Ode Sri Marjanawati Oba, SE., M.Si. about the importance of the Disaggregation Survey of PMTB, Podes, and SUTAS as well as the stages of preparation of the activities that have been passed. Then continued with the speech of South Konawe Regent represented by Regional Secretariat of Konawe Selatan Regency Ir. Drs. H. Sjarif Sajang, as well as officially opened the socialization activities.

In order to socialize and coordinate the preparation of Disaggregation of PMTB Matrix Year 2018 and Podes and Sutas 2018 data collection activities, this activity is followed by SKPD / OPD, Camat, Kepala Desa, and Institution / Company located in South Konawe Regency. The socialization material was presented by Head of BPS of South Konawe Regency, as the resource person and moderated by Harniaty, S.ST. M.Si.

After the presentation of the material, the agenda of socialization is followed by discussion and question and answer with the participants of socialization. The discussions went well and the socialization participants gave high enthusiasm to the statistical activities of the South Konawe Regency BPS.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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Jalan Poros 60 Andoolo 93811

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