Training on the Mapping and Updating of the SP 2020 Statistics Working Area BPS Konsel - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Konawe Selatan Regency

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Training on the Mapping and Updating of the SP 2020 Statistics Working Area BPS Konsel

Training on the Mapping and Updating of the SP 2020 Statistics Working Area BPS Konsel

March 21, 2019 | BPS Activities

Kendari - The population census is in sight, to be carried out in 2020. This grand event held in a span of 10 years will be carried out using a combine method which will use the prelist population registration data, namely electronic KTP.
In order to prepare for the 2020 Population Census (SP), the South Konawe District BPS carried out training in the training of Mapping and Updating Content of the SP 2020 Statistic Work Area. In this year's mapping activity there was something different from updating the 2010 population census using the Blok base. Census, to prepare the SP2020 Wilkerstat to be used is the smallest local environmental unit (RT, RW, Dusun, Lingkungan). This is to accommodate the implementation of the SP2020 which uses the population registration database.

In this training will be taught about various kinds of concepts and the latest definitions regarding mapping activities. In addition, the use of Android-based applications is used in this activity. It is expected that with this training, officers who will take to the field to carry out mapping can carry out their duties appropriately and responsibly.
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