February 3, 2019 | BPS Activities
Kendari - Thirty-nine participants consisting of KSK, Staff and Partners participated in the training of National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas) officers in March 2019. Located at Zenith Kendari Hotel, the training participants will be trained for three effective days.
Susenas is a supplier of 55 of the 183 SDGs indicators. Almost every year there are always new things from Susenas. In 2018, Susenas succeeded in integrating with the Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) conducted by the Balitbangkes Ministry of Health. This year, Susenas will be integrated with the Study of Toddler Nutrition Status (SSGB) to supply the needs of stunting data in Indonesia. Not only that, the September 2019 Susenas will be a special survey to fulfill SDGs indicators.
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